This php function takes a timestamp and returns a detailed string of the time difference expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, days ago, or away if it’s in the future.
A timestamp 8 hours ago
echo timeDiffString(strtotime('-8 hours'));
8 hours ago
A timestamp 18 hours ago
echo timeDiffString(strtotime('-18 days'));
2 weeks ago
function timeDiffString($timestamp, $detailed=false, $max_detail_levels=8, $precision_level='second', $textDesc=true){ $now = time(); //If the difference is positive "ago" - negative "away" ($timestamp >= $now) ? $action = 'away' : $action = 'ago'; //Set the periods of time $periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade"); $lengths = array(1, 60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2630880, 31570560, 315705600); $diff = ($action == 'away' ? $timestamp - $now : $now - $timestamp); $prec_key = array_search($precision_level,$periods); //round diff to the precision_level $diff = round(($diff/$lengths[$prec_key]))*$lengths[$prec_key]; //if the diff is very small, display for ex "just seconds ago" if ($diff <= 10) { $periodago = max(0,$prec_key-1); $agotxt = $periods[$periodago].'s'; if($textDesc) return "just $agotxt $action"; return "$agotxt"; } //Go from decades backwards to seconds $time = ""; for ($i = (sizeof($lengths) - 1); $i>0; $i--) { //if the difference is greater than the length we are checking... continue if($diff > $lengths[$i-1] && ($max_detail_levels > 0)) { //65 / 60 = 1. That means one minute. 130 / 60 = 2. Two minutes.. etc $val = floor($diff / $lengths[$i-1]); // add 's' if plural $time .= $val ." ". $periods[$i-1].($val > 1 ? 's ' : ' '); // subtract the values we just used from the overall diff so we can find the rest of the information $diff -= ($val * $lengths[$i-1]); //if detailed is turn off (default) only show the first set found, else show all information if(!$detailed) { $i = 0; } $max_detail_levels--; } } # Basic error checking. if($time == "") { return "Error-- Unable to calculate time."; } else { if($textDesc) return $time.$action; return $time; } }