Test your javascript for bugs by copying and pasting your code below.
Force String to Lower or Upper Case
JavaScript has built in methods to manipulate strings making this task easy. You can call the toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() on the string directly. Make a
Hide and Show and Element Using JQuery
You have a div tag you want to hide with the id “myElementID”. You want to show that same div again. Don’t forget to include
Auto Selecting Input Field Contents on Mouse Entering Field
You can do this simply with an onclick event like below.
Add an Image to the DOM Dynamically
This example will work fairly well cross-browser. In IE it will use new Image and everything else it will use createElement. There are bugs in
A Simple PhantomJS Screenshot Server
This is a simple screenshot server running over http. You append a url (a urlencoded url) to the server and it returns a PNG image
Detecting Installed Fonts
I did a fair amount of googling on this one. My original need for this was to see what fonts PhantomJS supported for screenshots. The
Get Screen Size
You actually don’t need jQuery to simply find the user’s screen resolution size. It’s fairly simple with plain old javascript. Your current screen resolution is: