Here are 2 different shell commands using cat. These examples would allow you to stack files into a new file concatenating them together. Useful for
Linux Command Line Example To Remove Emails From a Text File
sed is a really powerful Linux command line utility. It can in a one line do what would take sometimes 20-30 lines of code in
How to Recursively Extract All Nested Zip Files in Linux
I needed to recursively unzip a big mess of nested zip files. This shell command does the trick, it also preserves the directory structure.
How to Setup Password-less Loggin with SSH Keys
Having to type in passwords manually all day long into servers you manage is a pain. You should be using ssh keys, they’re more secure,
This is the Best Command to Upgrade Ubuntu
This is the only command I’ll use to upgrade or update the OS on my Ubuntu instances, any version. This doesn’t upgrade to the next
How To Easily Parse Incoming Emails From Postfix
Step 1: Postfix Config I’m going to assume you have postfix and your domain dns already setup. Adding an incoming email that you can parse
Quickly Create 100 Thousand Random Files In a Folder Linux
This command very quickly creates 100k randomly sized binary files in the directory you run it in. Took 6 minutes 37 seconds to run on
Counting files in a Folder at the Linux Command Line
This command combines ls (directory list) with wc (word count) command to count the number of files in a directory. I just used it to
How To Use the Zip Command Ubuntu Linux
Basic usage is simple, the man page doesn’t always get to the examples quickly so I thought I’d write about it for a quick reference.
Securing your Ubuntu SSH Server the Right Way
If you’ve ever managed an ssh server that’s open on the internet server you might have noticed a bunch of IPs scanning and trying to