One of my favorite sub-reddits is /r/coolgithubprojects. I check it out a few times a week looking for interesting open source projects. One interesting project

One of my favorite sub-reddits is /r/coolgithubprojects. I check it out a few times a week looking for interesting open source projects. One interesting project
The Linux sort – it’s incredibly fast, runs well on files larger than ram, and a must to master for any good sysadmin. Here are
I wanted to send myself a text when a long running process was done so I needed a command that would watch for a process
I needed to recursively unzip a big mess of nested zip files. This shell command does the trick, it also preserves the directory structure.
Having to type in passwords manually all day long into servers you manage is a pain. You should be using ssh keys, they’re more secure,
This is the only command I’ll use to upgrade or update the OS on my Ubuntu instances, any version. This doesn’t upgrade to the next
If you’ve ever managed an ssh server that’s open on the internet server you might have noticed a bunch of IPs scanning and trying to
Sometimes you want to copy a single large file and have them restart where it left off if the transfer fails. Instead of using scp,
mrt is a very useful Linux command line utility for diagnosing networking problems. It’s basically of a combination of ping and traceroute in one. It’s best
If you manage multiple servers, or even just a few, this command might come in handy. It’s called dsh – distributed shell. It acts very similar